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Published:  30 March, 2017

Senior figures from Mexico’s national oil company, Pemex, have been discovering the secrets of the UK subsea sector’s success and how it has revolutionised the way in which hydrocarbons have been extracted from beneath the seabed during a fact-finding visit to Aberdeen.

Organised in partnership with the Department of International Trade (DIT), the five-day subsea learning event included site visits to some of the sector’s most innovative companies, including GE Oil & Gas, Aker Solutions, Hydrasun, Wood Group, BP and ROVOP. The delegation experienced what it’s like to operate a remotely operated vehicle (ROV), learnt about diving operations and toured a number of subsea manufacturing plants.

The mission provided a broad but in-depth overview of the sector, covering how technology has evolved over the years to meet the demands of exploration and production companies as they move to harsher and more complex environments in order to recover the world’s oil and gas reserves.

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