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Innovative ROV methodology

Published:  17 November, 2016

IMG_3636.jpgJames Fisher Subsea (JF Subsea), a leading subsea services division of James Fisher Marine Services (JFMS), reports it has reduced inspection downtime to 2% for Shell UK, through the innovative use of asset-based remotely operated vehicles (ABROVs) on oil rig inspection programmes in the North Sea.

Traditionally, oil rig inspections are undertaken using a dedicated remotely operated vehicle support vessel (ROVSV), on which an ROV is secured. To remove the need of a ROVSV and the hazards involved with securing an ROV to the offshore platform, JF Subsea provided Shell UK with a gravity-based ABROV system.

The company says while the use of ABROVs is not a new concept, the innovative way in which JF Subsea adapted them to Shell’s needs, and the duration for which they were utilised, demonstrates the close working relationship the company develops with its customers as well as its ability to tailor services to specific requirements. Following focused engagement sessions between both companies’ offshore installation managers, ABROV’s were successfully trialled on a planned riser and structural inspection on Shell’s Brent Bravo platform in the North Sea.

James Fisher Subsea 

James Fisher and Sons plc

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