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Students get hands-on experience

Published:  10 January, 2017

Students have been getting hands-on experience operating a Saab Seaeye Falcon ROV in the Gulf of Maine on the eastern seaboard of the USA where they explored the undersea world and developed their environmental awareness.

The project brings students, scientists, teachers and marine professionals together and is run by OceansWide, a non-profit organisation, and is an outreach programme that supports the outreach requirements of the National Science Foundation and other granting agencies.

Young people are encouraged to participate in real life scientific research and write reports on their findings.

The activities are run both in class and on board OceansWide’s research ship - from where the Falcon is deployed.

In addition to encouraging understanding through research, Buzz Scott, president of OceansWide, explains that the project aims to support industry and marine science by creating innovative programmes that use ROVs to inspire young people to expand their horizons and teach them about the world’s oceans through first hand shipboard experience.

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