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Published:  31 January, 2019

Tekmar Energy have announced that offshore installation contractor Jan De Nul Group have selected the patented Tekmar Cable Protection System (CPS) TekLink Mechanical Latch for the Northwester 2 offshore wind farm.

Published:  30 January, 2019

Last year, Deutsche Windtechnik's Swedish subsidiary earned official certification attesting the Management System Standard of strategic and operational services. All certificates are valid until March 2021.

Published:  02 January, 2019

Published:  03 February, 2017

GE BLOG - Digital Technologies Turning around Marine Prospects in Uncertain Waters. Author: Tim Schweikert, president & CEO, GE’s Marine Solutions

Published:  24 January, 2017

Marine Power Systems (MPS) says with the deployment of its unique WaveSub wave energy converter planned for early next year, it has reached a momentous stage of the development of the device. The building of WaveSub is significantly underway, and therefore the company is marking the occasion with an event in Pembroke Dock.

Published:  04 September, 2015

Scotland’s world-leading wave energy test centres have joined forces to support technology firms aiming to develop the next generation of wave energy converters.

Published:  04 September, 2015

The world’s first ever tidal lagoon energy project has been granted planning permission by the UK Energy Secretary Amber Rudd. The project is scheduled to be built in Swansea Bay by British company Tidal Lagoon Power, which has pioneered the scheme from the beginning.

Published:  27 February, 2015

The renewable energy industry was excited late last year when marine energy technology company Minesto announced it had successfully managed to produce electricity from low velocity currents off Northern Ireland, the first in the marine energy era. The marine power plant Deep Green has now been producing electricity for more than a year, and Minesto’s founder and CEO Anders Jansson shares his experiences from the trials.

Published:  02 July, 2014

The technologies for generating energy from wave and tide are developing rapidly. For the long term viability of the ocean energy sector, however, reducing the cost of energy (COE) to a level that is competitive with offshore wind and other traditional power generation methods is absolutely key, says Phil Burge, country communication manager, SKF.

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