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Published:  06 April, 2016

During March 2015, an offshore Oil and Gas platform contacted Belzona requiring a solution for the repair of a seawater bulk media filter vessel. ODEE reports.

Published:  06 April, 2016

The oil and gas industry is renowned for pushing sealing technology to its limits while chasing deeper and previously uneconomic wells with increasingly arduous conditions. As conventional wells are depleted, unconventional wells are becoming financially viable, meaning seals must cope with higher temperatures and pressures previously unimaginable, leading to new challenges and opportunities. ODEE reports.

Published:  08 December, 2015

Automated condition monitoring could help the UK oil and gas industry to regain higher levels of production efficiency – and help to banish unplanned shutdowns. ODEE reports.

Published:  08 December, 2015

The launch of a new service focused on assets at late life stage and those nearing cessation of production has been announced by Lloyd's Register Energy. The new service will assist operators with maximising economic recovery and reducing costs by eliminating inspection and maintenance activities that don’t fulfill safety or profit objectives. ODEE report.

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