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Method for selective oxidation

Published:  11 April, 2014

From the idea to operate a coating process without the use of chemicals, AHC Oberflächentechnik inGermany reports it has developed a novel method for the oxidation of aluminium surfaces. With this process, components can be protected selectively against wear and corrosion. A pilot plant is located in the French subsidiary Faulquemont and the process is now ready for serial production.

The LASOX-COAT treatment by AHC Oberflächentechnik can be used for the selective coating of aluminium surfaces via laser.

The major advantage of this process in contrast to galvanic processes is said to lie in the complete abandonment of chemicals. Also no pores are formed in the aluminium oxide layer which explains the increased hardness. Pores in the basic material will affect the layer growth negatively. Silicon helps to grow a thicker but slightly rougher layer and even alloys with more than 20% silicon can be coated with LASOX-COAT. The possibilities of the selective coating are plenty, like writings, single lines, complex forms or patterns.

AHC Oberflächentechnik GmbH       

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