Offshore Wind and Hydrogen: Solving the Integration Problem
Published: 01 October, 2020
ORE Catapult and the Offshore Wind Industry Council (OWIC) have jointly published the Offshore Wind and Hydrogen: Solving the Integration Challenge report that calls for immediate action to secure a green hydrogen economic boom.
According to the report, the development of an indigenous green hydrogen industry could generate £320bn for the UK economy and sustain up to 120,000 jobs by 2050. It highlights that the UK has the right level of offshore wind capacity potential, and a strong industrial base, combined with world-leading academic research, to develop a sustainable, low-cost green hydrogen industry, one that produces hydrogen without CO2 emissions from electrolysis of water.
An industry webinar on green hydrogen will take place on Friday 2nd October (11.00am-12.15pm). ORE Catapult, OWIC and RenewableUK will provide an update on the critical work coming out of the Offshore Wind Sector Deal towards delivering green hydrogen from offshore wind, including an in-depth analysis of the OWIC/ORE Catapult report and next steps to delivering against the UK’s net zero emissions commitments.