Line insulation monitoring device
Published: 15 August, 2019
Bender UK will be exhibiting at SPE Offshore Europe 2019 on Stand 3J05. It will showcase its total capabilities for the oil, gas and subsea industry - oil, gas and subsea operators demand high production outputs and safe, functioning platforms to maximise productivity. State-of-the art LIM performance
The isoHR685 LIM (Line Insulation Monitor) is designed specifically for subsea cable monitoring. It continuously monitors umbilical cables up to 10GΩ, to provide advanced warning of cable degradation and failure. It delivers a huge performance improvement compared to previous variants and can synchronise up to 100 units without cross disturbance.
Where long parallel cables supplied with AC or DC systems can cause interference through the coupling capacitance, the enhanced isoHR685 utilises the synchronised pulse principle which is unaffected by coupling capacitance.
Monitoring off-line systems
Bender equipment has the capability to monitor systems while offline. The ground fault location device EDS440 automatically locates earth faults in ungrounded AC and DC systems while remaining online, without the need to disconnect equipment. It monitors insulation resistance in IT systems which often sit idle, such as emergency shutdown systems, fire extinguisher pumps, and standby generators. Effective early warning of insulation degradation in this equipment supports preventive maintenance regimes.