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Certification emphasises Deutsche Windtechnik AB's high standards of quality

Published:  30 January, 2019

Last year, Deutsche Windtechnik's Swedish subsidiary earned official certification attesting the Management System Standard of strategic and operational services. All certificates are valid until March 2021.

The ISO 9001:2015 certificate, which is the most well-known, covers strategic aspects and focuses on the internal management structure and processes, from top level management down through all levels. The ISO 14001:2015 certificate attests conformity in environmental performance areas, and BS OHSAS 18001:2007 covers safety requirements at work.

Obtaining these certificates was an important step from a business perspective. Linus Sturesson, managing director of Deutsche Windtechnik AB, said: "Deutsche Windtechnik AB's continuing growth during recent years has made certification an indispensable step to remain competitive. These certificates form a mandatory prerequisite for many tenders and are an indicator of the increasing professionalisation within the wind industry."

The certification is also a consistent step within the overall company philosophy of quality assurance based on principles such as internalising a fair and profitable way of working, a properly accountable way of dealing with people, the environment and technology, and a morally, ethically and politically balanced attitude. The parent company, Deutsche Windtechnik AG, has been certified for many years, and its subsidiaries are now successively following suit.

The ISO certifications are recognised worldwide and are based on strict, clearly defined standards. Only special bodies are allowed to perform audits and certify a company or an institution. Audits must be conducted on a regular basis for a company to remain certified. The ISO certifications are the highest level of certification a company can achieve.

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