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Zero leak check valves

Published:  11 January, 2018

The Challenge - As companies involved in oil and gas exploration and production continue to push the boundaries into deeper wells and more hostile environments, the reliable operation of drilling, completion and production equipment under the most extreme environments has never been more important.

A good example of these challenging applications is where chemical injection systems are dependent on check valves that prevent the reverse flow of chemically aggressive wellbore fluids at extreme temperatures and pressures, without the possibility of leakage. As a result, reverse flow prevention valves are commonly used in oil tools operating in all stages through the life of an oil well.

The Solution 

The field-proven range of Zero Leak Check Valves available from LEE PRODUCTS now includes new valve configurations which are manufactured entirely from materials which are compliant with NACE specification MR0175/ISO 15156. These valves offer outstanding reliability in the toughest conditions and can be used not only in oil wells, but also gas wells. They feature MP35N bodies and poppets for outstanding durability and custom polymeric valve seats that ensure zero leakage of fluids at pressures up to 15,000 psid and at temperatures up to 400ºF. Seat materials are also available to ensure compatibility with typical subsea and down hole fluids and also gas exploration and production applications.

The Benefits

NACE compliant Zero Leak Check valves exceed the performance requirements necessary for oil tool operation under the extreme environmental conditions found in deep wells. They are 100% performance tested to guarantee reliable, consistent performance for the life of the system.

The valves are also self-retained without the need for O-rings, facilitated by the use of the innovative and field-proven Lee locking end which securely locks the valves in place and prevents any bypass leakage. Available in sizes from 0.187” up to 0.500” (4.75mm / 12.7mm) diameter,

Lee check valves offer the ability to optimise the combination of size and flow rate for most down hole applications. Configurations may also include integrated safety screens or restrictors for added protection and performance.

Potential Applications

Reverse flow prevention valves are commonly used in oil tools operating in all stages through the life of an oil well and these NACE compliant valves are ideal when the application requires zero leakage at high differential pressures in high temperature, corrosive environments. They are currently in service in chemical injection systems, gas lift systems and down-hole safety valves.

For decades The Lee Company has continually expanded the performance limits of their field-proven range of miniature check valves and these NACE compliant valves are the latest innovation added to the range of options available. With sizes available from 1.0” down to 0.093” (25.4mm / 2.36mm) diameter Lee Check valves are the smallest in the world with millions supplied and operating for over 30 years in the most challenging environments around the globe.

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