Statoil joins OEEC Industry Panel
Published: 21 September, 2017
Offshore Energy 2017 has announced that Sonja Indrebø, vice president strategy and innovation in the Statoil New Energy Solutions department will be joining the Industry Panel.
Energy transition: Distinguishing facts and fiction is the theme of this year’s Industry Panel.
Featured speakers will distinguish facts and fiction on both fossil and renewable energy sources, their deployment and what it takes for societies to switch to a new, low carbon, energy system.
Other speakers include:
•Dieter Helm, CBE, is a professor at the University of Oxford, Fellow of New College, Oxford, and a professorial research fellow of the Smith School of Enterprise and the Environment
•Gertjan Lankhorst, chairman, VEMW, the interest group and knowledge center for non-domestic energy and water consumers in The Netherlands
•Peter Sanders, director, Deloitte
For more information on the Industry Panel and to register head to