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Remote sensing system

Published:  29 November, 2016

WellKeepSF.jpgMonitoring tubing and casing pressures from wellheads can help operators optimise well production while gaining a better understanding of long-term performance. Feedback can also provide valuable information about well safety. Wellkeeper Inc, a pioneer of reliable and affordable remote monitoring solutions for independent oil and gas operators, has announced it is specifying the SignalFire Remote Sensing System in its remote monitoring solutions for tracking tubing and casing pressures in the oil field.

The company says wired remote monitoring systems, while eliminating manual intervention, are expensive when considering wire and trenching costs. For complex installations, wiring costs can range from $10 to $20 a foot. Wellkeeper says Signal Fire’s Remote Sensing System (SFRSS) helps it resolve many of the problems associated with manual gauges and wired remote monitoring systems. With no wiring or trenching requirements, installation costs are far less expensive than wired systems and as most wellheads are situated far from remote terminal units, the SRFSS utilises an innovative long-range mesh networking technology specifically designed for challenging, large-scale environments.

Wellkeeper Inc

SignalFire Wireless Telemetry

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