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Turning the tide on the green grid

Published:  07 October, 2014

Tidal Energy (TEL) has signed an agreement with EDF Energy to purchase electricity and renewable certificates during the first year of operation of Wales’ first full-scale tidal power generator.

Described as a significant milestone in the commercial development of tidal power in the UK, the triangular DeltaStream was installed in Ramsey Sound, Pembrokeshire recently and is expected to begin generating electricity for Welsh homes shortly. It will be, says the company, one of the world’s first grid-connected demonstration devices to generate green, sustainable and predictable tidal power.

The Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) guarantees that EDF Energy will purchase electricity and renewable certificates from the device for the first year of the project at a pre-agreed price.

Martin Murphy, managing director of TEL, commented: “DeltaStream is not just about proving a new, innovative technology – it is about proving that tidal power can make a real and lasting contribution towards the UK’s renewable energy targets and energy security. Taking the first steps to commercialisation, by securing a buyer for the electricity generated, is essential to that. We are proud that this cutting-edge project is, once-again breaking new ground, and ensuring Wales is playing a central role in the race to develop the UK’s significant tidal resources.”

Dan Brimelow, export sales and procurement manager at EDF Energy, said: “The UK needs electricity generation from a range of low carbon sources. Technologies like tidal power help improve the diversity of electricity supplies and reduce our reliance on imported energy which is good for the country’s future energy security.”

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